This weitanggg
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You're a part of me.
Hiya captain!weitang is turning 20yr old on 16 nov. I love the Spongebob Squarepant who lives under the pineapple in the sea. And I love my doggystoo,tats for sure! im so lovingit:)) next up, dog GROOMING! |
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This blog was opened by weitanggg Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
![]() Just now Im playing Guess The Sketch game in facebook. Its was FUN and hilarious. muahaha. bert joined in and HE.............guess something that was out of my surprise! made me laugh like dunnoe wad. waha.Super funny and dirty! The picture up there, can u guess wad is it? its 7 letters word. if guess correct, i will tell u wads bert's dirty answer. eeeeeeeeeeew. HAVE A NICE MOO'S DAY!:) I ATE ALOT OF PINEAPPLE TARTS! I SIMPLY JUST MISS EVERYTHING ARD ME!:( HAPPY 'NIU' YEAR!
OH!!! today is chu xi. & its time for a reniuon dinner with family!<3 We are having steamboat as usual:) tml will be receiving many many hongbaos!!! and eat lotsa & lotsa of foods. muahaha. ENJOY UR CHINESE NEW YR!=D everywhere i go you know, i take you with me sweet darling'
This game is very interesting and fun. You ppl can try this out. Ur mind must be superrr FLEXIBLE like mine. ahem. wahaha. Ytd bert played until his eyes pain & it kills my brain cells.... its become harder as we level up! but we are smart enough to play till level 20:) I did helped abit lorhs, okies. now go try go try! MUAHAHA!
OK! i swear this is my last shopping for CNY clothes. hehe. later going town wif bert=D hmmm, now gotta go bath! byeeee~ LOVE ![]() The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. I've been missing him for so long:( mis-understanding hohoho. Left 5 mre days to CNY! cant wait to receive hongbao:P heh. and eat eat eat! new clothes to wear. this is wad i have been looking forward for every CNY. but sad thing is every year passed by the atmosphere of CNY is getting lesser and lesser. Its okies. haha. currently i now staying at hm accompany my two doggys. wad a responsible owner of me! hahaha ytd went to meet bert. thougth he's so nice to call me and accompany to far east. end up...... is fishy fishy. humphs. Ohh, there's a betta looked nice. its red plus abit of gold. den the price abit costly for us when we see the price. luckily, we ask auntie for discount. and the good news is auntie paste the wrong price!!! at first there pasted $38, actual price is $12 only. see the difference if we din ask. den we will miss the chance of buying that nice betta. wahaha. wad a good luck day for us:D okies, now bert has 4 betta fish at his hse. I think sooner or later his hse gotta filled with betta and can open a shop selling betta fish. Muahaha. just jk larhs! Their colour doesnt tally with the photos. heh. Oh ya, i haven buy finish my thingy larhs. and i done abit of my project only. feeling so guilty! tats all for today. i dislike gamer!~
badly affected. stop thinking abt it, weitang. ure not any big shot. U shd think that u have done sumthing good. or the naother hand this make you feel better. from friendster switched to facebook. the same old problem. dunnoe wads wrong man. its okies. U have deactivated it. so in this case, u dunnoe abt anything. and u will feel so much better. no more pet society to play. nvm. u are such a weakling tat cant take such thing and this is wad u need to do. grant ppl to be happy and tgt is wad u born to do so.
Hais. im cant stop thinking abt the idiotic matter. Oh my! I hate this feeling. seriously:( this matter spoiled mywhole mood totally. everytime it happened with the same old thing same person. How can i not feeling like this? humphs. I know i can choose to ignore. or in another words, maybe im the one who's extra and an obstacle. haiyoyo. The past thingy keep flashing through my mind. there's oways a possibility. its okies. anyway today i have my eyebrows trimmed nicely. heh. stop all the lies. the more the lies, the more i feel.... FISHY. Are this betta nice?! heh. These few days I have been walking ard fishy shops with bert to look for his nice nice betta. His nice and my nice got different. I don even know his nice is under which catergory. The grey betta looked COOL! as for the red, its BRIGHT! we wanted to go back to the same shop to buy the gold and red halfmoon. BUT, they have been sold. so suay man! On the way hm. Im done wth my CNY clothes:) haha. I need to tell myself this. cos I feel like im not shopping only for CNY clothes. hehe. I feel the clothes cant buy finish like tat. I keep seeing nice ones, den i feel like i cant help myself from buying it. Oh my. I just want to buy one mre belt and shoes. tats all, i think. hmmm,this yr so don haf the new year atmosphere. so weird arhs. Its okies, i prepared myself to go ppl's hse to eat PINEAPPLE tarts! i wonder if esther has bake nots. Her pineapple tart is YUMMY. One mre week to go~ & its time to grow fat!!!! muahaha:D Hope there's no mre next time. pray. cos its oway the same same same...... humphs. nothing but a scold
heh. i have something happy to post abt and pics to show. Overall actually the day is good but dunnoe y end up it become not good. so made me dun haf the mood to post anything. humphs. i hate this part. A happy start but with a unhappy ending. sometime ur words really affected me & make me think alot. so OOPSs!
![]() Oh wells, today din went to school due to ahem. tats not the main point. The main point is i cut my hair today! and after I have my hair cut, i hope it can grow back faster!!! The fringe is like......not wad i expected larhs. its okies. wad has been cut is cut. humphs. Happy thing is i have managed to buy a one piece shirt from livejournal. Its look nice !:) heh. tats all for today! -REPLAY When we're together
every moment that I treasure like a movie that I can replay replay replay. a chance is all i asked for. negative
i have the urge to list down everything i have been wanting to eat and do. LISTS TO DO: 1.flyyyy kite! 2.Picnic at pasir ris park. 3.Catch soft toy from toy machine:P 4.Cycle two person seating bicycle. 5.Shopping! 6.Learn grooming:) LISTS TO EAT(yummy): 1.YUKI YAKI. 2.Pizzahut. 3.Pineapple fried rice(i missed it so much). 4.Pork floss fried rice. 5.KFC breakfast(i haven try it before,heh). 6.Mac's Big breakfast(its has been ages i have it). 7.Sambal stingray. 8.Sambal prawnsssss! 9.waffle with ice cream. 10.Cupcake with super sweet frosting! Remember by heart & fulfil it, okies. mistake This week gonna be a busy week for me! Firstly, i still left one more set of clothes to shop. I nid to get my hair cut, my eye brows to be trim. And i nid to go buy a new pair of contact lens. Next, I nid to finish up the ballroom project in one month. PHEW! tml onwards, i need to eat alone for my dinner:( and alone at hm. humphs. okies, i nid to be independent! Just cant wait everything to be done.
baby boy 永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走 永远永远要记得我们要一起生活 不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候 不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活 眼泪 她为你流过 也为自己掉过 对於你们的爱 她总是抱着坚强的笑容 错过那些时间 谢谢她的守候 是时候 紧紧牵她的手 带她到你的城堡里 最近还好吗 想念的心开不了口 枯想着你有没有好好过 担心着你每天生活 你好吗 最近如何 照顾身体工作加油 我一个人也会勇敢好好过 不让你担心多一秒 想念着 每天每秒我们故事 每天每秒说好的事 两个人一起散步 是最浪漫的事 你是我的天使 给我力量能够坚持 那些关心问候 翅膀一样的双手 是我最幸福的 所有心里面有你建的角落 脆弱时 我能够躲一躲你爱我 像翅膀一样温柔的手 我要抱着你 不要再错过你的爱 是最蓝那片天空 cuz baby girl i’m coming back home baby boy永远永远手牵手一步两步一起走永远 永远要记得我们要一起生活 不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候 不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活 幸福 少了你在身边不会完整 人潮中朝你走来 那张可爱微笑的脸孔 这份爱 不是悸动 守护一辈子的感动 这段路踏着幸福的每一步一起牵着手 心疼你会睡不好 总是缩在床的一角 我要回来给你依靠 哄你看你笑着睡着照片里 你的微笑 我们甜蜜得打闹 好希望微风把思念 代替我亲吻你嘴角 想念着 每天每秒我们故事 每天每秒说好的事 约定好去看的风景 爱谱成了诗 你就是我的天使 给我力量能够坚持 阳光灿烂午後 我又在街上走 你的影子不再寂寞 想到你的身边到不了 像个路人般看热闹 经过那个属於我们的转角 走过两个人曾经逛的街 那些店 还有熟悉的画面 oh baby girl i’m coming back home baby boy永远永远手牵手一步两步一起走 永远永远要记得我们要一起生活 不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活 没有办法想像 那画面一个孤独的背影走在 小公园一颗心 需要暖 一双手 需要牵故事要有美好结局 需要两双手来写永远 不是只出现在童话里的梦 在身边 眼泪加了蜜糖甜这句点 要完美画在无名指上 承诺的开始恋人们 要一起珍藏 MISSED IT Ytd went out with bert. Bugis is so crowded! we had a hard time crossing the traffic light. Omg! we squeesed into the crowd and shop ard. bert tried a green colour checkered button shirt, not bad but sad is no more of his size. Den we headed to bugis junction instead. Its so much better. bert at last found a liking green button shirt at messy industry. den we headed back to bugis street. Hmm, i tried a dress! ohhh i like it so much larhs. But i din buy it. HUMPHS. so sad can. i thinking of it until now. i want to go back and buy it!!! hahaha.hopefully. anyway bert bought a set of clothes already:) me too! heh. oh my dressy dressy!~ new yr is coming.weeee
OH MY GOD! seriously i feel my hair getting uglier. I cant stand it anymore. so next week i will get my hair nicely cut:) wahaha. and get my eyebrow trim too. Must look pretty pretty in CNY! Hohoho. Finished shopping one set of clothes. wad a fruitful day for me! I and esther bought skirts. Its nice! awww, so sad i din see any nice dress ard. humphs. Sat i going shop again to look for my dressy! Not 2 months is 2 weeks. bluff again. you the only thing thats been on my mind. pathetic wth! tml initialy is going shopping with esther go buy our clothings. END UP, due to my project which i nid to report to the principal abt the hotel. Humphs. Im looking forward to go shopping la. so disppointing tml nid to go back school. spoil my mood. anyway, change to friday instead. don care wadever is on, Im not free on that day!okies. No mre headache okies, bert! recover sooon to shop for ur clothes:)
useless I feel so insecure when i know nothing. nightmare going to start from today onwards. hais. Oh,on the another hand i just cant wait wed faster come come come! Everything has planned nicely. I think tat day it will be a fruitful day! hohoho;) some photos uploaded! This is a order from the oldest to the youngest. Rena, bekah,renmei followed by zhenwei lastly me. haiyos, renaaaa become old liao.(no offence) wells,Im still 18. bekah's helping out rena's mum to peel the crabmeat cosssss she's feeling guilty!!! ah ha. Bekah don have green tea to drink le. So rena's mum went to fair price to buy it. den rena keep disturbing bekah u guilt not make my mum go buy green tea for you? funny. end of post!~ understanding needed think back of it abt in 2008, lotsa of unhappy things have happened. I hate ppl talk without considering others' feeling. suddenly think of something make me feel like making this comment. ah ha! its late and got school. gotta slp. Nites! bad day wad a nice start to welcome a new day for me. I only have myself to blame. u noe this gg to happen yet u still do so. how silly u are, weitang. forget abt it. looking forward to wed it's SHOPPING TIME! Stronger
This is not the first time. as it has happened quite a few times. Im not being affected so much. If wad meant to be happen will happen, no matter how much i have tried to stop it. Its ur freedom. If im not happy abt it, will make both of us even not happy. I have learnt to think. Anyway, in this way i will feel much better and happier. Its 2009 already! HAPPY 19th BDAY! Currently, im waiting for my hair to dry, so come here to update abt ytd. Woke up ard 2, still feel not enough sleep. By then, its time to wake and prepare stuffs. My mum help me to fry beehoon so i can bring over to rena's bbq. Ard 4, i went over rena' hse to help her. I reached there, i thought at least someone is already over there to help out. End up don have. Its okies, its so lucky to have me ard rite rena? haha. I helped her to wrap stingray with butter, salt, pepper and chilli!!! tats the part i have enjoyed. after that, ard 6 plus we went dwn to the bbq site already. Rena & me start the fire. behind start to bbq the otah first cos we left the net in the car. ah ha! We eat, laugh, eat again and take photos! There're photos we have taken, will be upload once i take it from rena:) Love is not about loving the perfect person but loving the imperfect person perfectly HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENA! ![]() Wish all ur dream come true! and found ur MR.RIGHT:) alrights. stay happy as u oway are! A NICE START OF 2009 ![]() ![]() Ah ha! Its so fun webcam-ing & screen shot!;D stupid bert, i got a ugly smelly photos of urs>.< wahas. see im so gooood, din upload in my blog. so nice of me! hehe. |