This weitanggg
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You're a part of me.
Hiya captain!weitang is turning 20yr old on 16 nov. I love the Spongebob Squarepant who lives under the pineapple in the sea. And I love my doggystoo,tats for sure! im so lovingit:)) next up, dog GROOMING! |
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The truth!!!***
Am i crazy or wat??? fer sum stupid reason i break frenship wif gil..???hahass... Okies...actualli i'm dun hate **eu..i jus hate myself fer wat the reason i'm doin tt...Such a good fren infront of mi,i still yet break fenship with him???i siao ar....hahass I just unreasonable bahs...jus wanna ppl to give in to me..i used to tt liao...hahass..I will try my best to change my attitude,try not to let ppl to give in to me...yups... Ermmmm..u not regret makin fren wif me??? i feel guilty the way i treat u as a fren sia...haiyos..y liddat??? Gil,thanks fer puttin up wif me...ya.hahass...Actually ish my fault lah..I stupid & crazy!!!hais..y everytime got misunderstandin between us???Ermmm..cause i oway the one hu started first...Sorrie!!! If i ever do tt again pls scold me...Okies??hahass..yup... fed up wif the blog!!! haiyos...dunnoe wat to do wif this blog...i so stupid tt i dunnoe how to put the tag board sia..Y i so dumb??? to stop here...==will be continued== ""ab0ut m|e""
So sianz leh...i got nth better to do so i here to write about [[myself]]"
Ermmmms...Actualli i don quite understand myself..ya..But i'm still rmb tt when i'm pri 1 or 2 ,i seldom tok and was veri quiet one de...hahass!!!& pri 5 & 6 i've made lotsa of best frwens...we hang out together and most of the times we were together...ya..hahass & also share secret among us....When one of our fren gena bullied,surely we will help one de...hahass.... now leh??? hais...become bad leh, not longer tt weItang le...hais...become so [[vulgar']]& my[[attitude sux']]..!!! hahahasss...aniwae verybody will change de ma..ya Frankly speakin don judge by my look..!!!i actually not a good gal...i damn bad and devil de regret to make fren wif mi not too late...still can turn back...hahass... Stop here...continued next time... [[B.o.r.|.n.g]]*
I backie here to update my bloggie again...hahass...feelin sianz ma...
Hmmms..everybody busy revisin their works and books fer exams...But wat i'm doin?? i playin com. & watchin tv...hais Later i fail and retain..i'm not surprised wif tt..hees Heck care liao..just depend on fate bahs....Hais...nowdays kept fergettin things how u expect mi to remember things i learnt???haiyos....i going insane....AhHhhhH.... But hor don feel like retain lehs.....feel so borin in sec 2..hais...Everybody r so stressed!!!!just hope exams faster end and they can backie to normal....yups... **heeshees....hoping tt dae can come soon...!!!Hmmms...1 month and two weeks[[my birthdae ish comin]]~so sad,still got to wait fer so long man...not fun de..hahass,nvm...yups,eesan,garry's birthdae ish comin..hahaz, get to beat them 15's their present...can't wait fer tt dae to come ..ya...after tt ish sheryl birthdae!!!hees..wonderin wat present should i give her???? Now i think it over ,i birthdae don so fast come cause i noe sumthin bad got to harpen to mie...nono!!!! readin my bloggie mus rmb to buy mie a present!!!!don ferget .....hahahaz Got to stop here....[[go watch tv le]]bye How could **eu
Can't take much more of this
don't know what to do can't seem to find the words to express to you not that it would matter if i talked to you nothing would matter nothing would be knew i can tell you don't care for what i have to say you wouldn't care if i cried every day you don't see how much you broke my heart feels like I'm the board and you just threw a dart do you even realize how much pain you put me threw can't believe you thought of this can't believe you knew .::professor::.^confused^ **World ish liddat...
I 'm here again...**[[machi bObO]]
Jus now i went to read bekah's blog n read one of her post....and i haf post a comment..ya i had read a sentences tt said "don cry over sumone hu wun cry over *eu..." "the hardest thing to do ish watch the one you lurve,lurve sumone else." "if u lurve sumthin-let it go if it come back to *eu its urs.If it doesn't den it nv was. "world ish cruel, lurve ish blind,lost in sadness,blur in mind,heart had broken,flame had died.tym has passed but yet he's not urs." ~I think tis sentences r veri meaningful...i totally agree wif tat..ya...don ever cry over sumone hu hurt **eu/someone hu wun cry over **'s not worth it...ya..u cry over him but he doesn't noe ish worthless..if he noe u cry over him n he doesn't cares , tt shows he's heartless.. ~got two times i fall in luv wif a guy but in the end they fall in lurve wif my frwens...So wad??nth i can do..i cannot force them to fall in lurve wif mi ma...Hais...but the stupid things i did ish i help them to jio my frwens..hahass..i so silly!!! although i feel sad about it...but life still need to tis world not only haf them still got lotsa of guys out there... ~In tis world, everybody haf up and down in their lifes...World ish liddat, its cruel...!!!nth u can do to make it better ..rite??hahass...yup,i stop here le...will be continued..=> .::professor::.signin off Exams coming....
*time flies....
next week will be exams...So fast!!! i still haven open books & revise cause i noe the outcome will be still the same..ya.I'm sure tt my maths is not going to pass...wadeva!!!i don care...Every subjects i will pass not maths...MATH sux...Hahass.I so happie tt exams comin ,ya but maybe others are not happie bahs..hees... Ermmms...i thinkin wad i going to do after exams..dunnoe y i get so excited and kept thinkin wat should i do after exams..??? All days playin bball??or findin job fer fun wif frwen???? hahass...lookin forward to it...aniwae i think tt i ahf think too much liao le bahs...exams haf not come yet... Okaes...i stop all fer todae... .::professor::. Over"
Hais...So sian,todae go back to school to haf oral.Ermmm...Tis oral quite easy bahs...Hahass.[wonderin will passed anot??]
After tt..we[gerlyn,bekah,sean]went to KFC to eat after oral...later jess n jo-an came...*hees. After eatin,gerlyn went hm and bekah,sean went to find shuxin they all...Left mi ,joanne and jess..we had no idea going to where???den in the end we shop around in north point...Hais...*borin Oso cannot play bball cause rainin outside...After tt they came to my hse fer a while den went home... Now feelin so tired...*yawn...[[So sleepy]] gtg..Stop here leh...wil be continued .::professor::. Sorr|e...
tOdae i get a green form from my chinese teacher again..Ahhh..wadeva..dO i give a damn..??after skool,we [jo-an, jess,bekah &gerlyn]went to orhard and shoppin , take lotsa of neoprints...[[nIce]] tOdaE i cRiEd twO tiMes..*HaIsh..oNe iSh bEcaUse oF gReen foRm ,i already had four green forms le..tis ish the fifth ones ,if i take one more,my award wil gone case leh...ya dEn sEconD iSh becAuSe todAe in mRt , LiSten tO jaY chOu's songs den suddenly recalled the past things and recently things den cried...Lotsa of things haPpened in the past..Haish...*so sad..dUn wisH to tok About iT i really hate one of my frwen[[enemy]]..she jus fark off , hate her fer life..i jus wan her to get out of my sight!!!.. hmmms...Exams comin le..frwens out there don stressed up and jus relax...jus tk care of ur health..yup...hahass...stay happie..same goes to mi...hees... .::professor::. Everyth|n is fine
Ermmms....Lotsa of things happen to mi..Sumthin had over..[Misunderstandin had cleared]
Okies...But i still feelin sad..ya..AhHhh... DunnOe wat happen to mi..Nowdays kept dreamin,hais...Oso keep fergetin things..Wat a Bad MemOry i Had...HahahSs i try to stay happie but i cannot believe wat my fren did to mi lors..wad the hell my fren wan lors..[[Hate her]]lol... Fer the sake of someone i don scold ^my fren^..she the one hu caused our misunderstandin lohs...Hais But nth i can do to ^my fren^..AhHh..So angry.. Wad thE fArk..!!! told mi tt i become bad le..hais..I noe tt..yups i in wad kind of school environment..of course i become bad de..hais...Wad can i do..??? Hope someday , somehow got somebody can understand how i feel , wat i thinkin in my mind...hahass tt onli *sad can describe mie... .::professor::. Wad the HeLL....
Hais....i dunnoe wat happen to mi n gil..communication break down...
aniwae now days i not in a good mood..[dunnoe y leh]...*i so sad.. Sorrie everyone hu put up mi..ya..everithin ish my fault..kS... Feelin so sad..nobody to tok to but oso dun noe where to start from...[[such a long story]] Hais...stop here all fer mood to write animore.. "heart ache,wad make mi to believe u again..." |n my L|fe,someth|ng had changed....
Today i'm so angry..stupid d&t teacher gave mi green form tt really pissed mi off man...AhhHh..don tok about it le..
After skool, we [[me,jo-an,jess,bekah,gerlyn & april]] went to mac to study fer exams..but in the end i end up there doin nth jus sit there drawin..hahaha So borin in mac..hais..ermmm...about 5 sumthin we went to 850 plae bball for awhile..den after tt we went to northpoint again to buy lotsa of things..yup *hahaz....about 7 sumthin den go home together wif joanne...i went home first thing is play com. Regret to sign in msn...actualli i dunnoe y i'm so angry,ya..cause is like..hais..dunnoe how to explain...nvm..Hu cares??? Ferget it..hais..nobody noe wat i'm thinkin to stop here... .::professor::. | free |
Hmms...todae in sKoOL..Form teacher did not come..hahaSs, so free two period..ya.Den i & bekah in the library writin poems fer frwens...we suddenly haf inspiration to write poems...
After skooL, we went to town[jo-an,gerlyn,bekah and mie]We took two machine neoprints..So pwetty n nice..Haf a nice time in town...*hahass tt all..den i went back hm..bath and plae computer..*hahass. Den in msn, i chat wif jessica..we both feelin troubled and sad..[[dunnoe wat ish the reason..]] Part of the reason ish about relationship things..Hais.. About mi ish..I fall in lurve in a guy tt ish from another skool..i neva think of tellin him.. Jus keep the feelings in my heart...Jus don wan to add his burden..Veri regret to noe him ba.. If i din noe him maybe now i dun feel so troubled maybe i veri happy at tis moment And if i din noe him, i wun fall in lurve wif him..Hais..~so sad Aniwae it will be over veri soon..ya..i jus think too much.. *happiness cannot be force...i truly understand... .::professor::.*sadsad [my l|fe] plus[ur l|fe]!~
*Hmms.noeing *[eu] as a frwenz.
So kind , frwenly , swit & shy. Being together after months. As our frwenshp seeds began to grow. Growing tiLL we became team-mates. And how did we even get together after years. QuarrLing and misunderstand had started between us. Devil caused those happening.Why?& why?as i tot... cud't we just be frwenz...jus [pure]dehx..without those chiLdsh quarreLing[wadeva]. *Hmms.After frwenship, we became the bestest Frenz, & secret from mouths began to teLL to ears. We knew each other wad we were tinkng of and hu we'd lurve. We aLL critisized lurve & think it shud haf sux. *eu went through thick & thin wif *eu, bEing wif me as my bestest frwenz. noe hu *eu lurved.& *eu didn't end up wth any of 'em.*eu neva hesitate To tell dem ur feeLings but dey did hesitate to hear [ur] feeLings. CrueLty began in ur tots & my tots. As we haf the same mind being the noisy , [unshy], swit, frenwly & cruel. *eu ish stLL *[eu]. Nothing can change *eu unless *[eu] r wiLLingLy too. But i'm not *ur lurved one.So *eu need not change fer mi. Jus understanding me is aLL *eu need. As me understanding *[eu] ish already there. Lurvin two person ish not eu dun understand wad ish lurve Ish yet being mature now ish shud be done.havin mature tinking too... After when [eu] reLi understand lurve eu wiLL den fnd ur luv ones and shud haf a stead liao. Prayin we'd be frens 4eva & dat i noe it wud i'm sayn bye bye not gone liao but here fer eu,jus endin here and wud be Back fer another One.... [[Tis written by bekah n ish fer mi]]..::professor::.. |f onL|
if onLi , on that day , that wonderfuL day , u did not appear in my Lfe.
i wouLd not be so hurt! if onLi ,i f onL i dd not see , see ur wonderfuL LoveLy face. i wouLd not faLL So n Lurve , i so deeply in lurve wif *eu pray & wish , that ur the one fer mie , but its all just a dream... We're not meant to be. if only , if only ur eyes , ur smile ,if only i could haf 'em all... But all my thought r just memory which wiLL keep in my heart. It wLL not be erased fer *eu r real. Cos i really do lurve *eu! i wLL wat fer *eu here , as long as i 'm aLive... [[wriiten by "Gerlyn]] & is fer weItang...[[professor]] -[[written by gilcrist]]
I just love to play basketball in the sun
That is my absolute idea of fun I eat, sleep and dream basketball That is the reason why I am so tall But I certainly aint no baby doll Dun believe me, wanna make me see you fall? All my buddies are also from the game All so very zai, no one is lame Coz we play basketball from morn to nite But never once did we ever fight We are buddies to the very end That will be our only game plan NBSS Girls basketball team is the best We will truly trash all the freaking rest *hmMms...we get 3nd in national..ya...We cannot get to play 1st and 2nd placin b'cause we lost to rgs..*so sad about it..Every team members cried...We train hard fer it..In the end the outcome turned out to be tis..Hais..Wad is over ish over..NBSS gals next year will aim fer 1st..Hahass .::professor::. Someone
Someone to listen
someone to care someone to hold you someone to be fair someone to love you someone to wipe the tears away someone to laugh with you someone to say its all okay someone to hold your hand someone to never get lost someone to cry with you no matter what the cost someone to stay by your side someone to be there someone to pray with someone to share [[*hope there would be *someone hu can appeared in my life]] .::professor::. Micky...[[my Doggie]]
~HeyYys...Wat a nIce oNes!!! hahass..tis poem is written by gil and is fer mi..Yaya..I lurve my Dog "micky "so much.....Hmms..let mi think when i haf him??? a few years ago ba...The first sight i saw him,it looks silly but i like tt time i really wan a dog so much..ya & my cousin sae tt she buy fer mi..I so happie when i heard the news....i lurve micky so much if he one dae cannot make it i sure cried until died...So bless to haf him added into my life!!!!He made my life so colourful ...
[[Poem]] I have a cute little dog Dat likes to give me shocks Each day when i get home He takes away my gloom... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Micky is my doggie name. It was one fine day that he came Looking at him makes me so happy He makes me feel so very lucky Micky is a very clever doggie Always comes to give me huggies He is so nice and fluffy Juz like cotton candy When I am sad and feeling blue Micky licks me, why? i dun have a clue but all the time, I am so glad with him by my side, I wun be sad Even before I reach home each day I know that Micky is waiting to play with me in the parK [[*wad is urs is urs,not use of forcin it to b'come mus depend on fate]] .::professor::. there nuthin' i can do to ferget [[eu]]*
I wish..
You always bother my mind And I don’t know why I tried to forget you But it seems to have no use Coz’ deep inside my heart You are the one being called Many times I promised myself to forget you But why is it that I can’t do it? I just wish one day That you are not the one anymore Coz’ I’m tired of waiting for you I know that it is no use Coz’ there’s someone who owns your heart I don’t know what to do But I know that there will come a time That this heart of mine will fall for someone new.. .::professor::.Lurve Hurt -Frwenship-
Once was here
now is gone I will always love forever the laughs the tears the smiles without her my life has no direction no ups nor downs no smiles or frowns I miss her I cry I see her I lie what ever went wrong I can mend I will always love forever my very best friend. .::professor::.[[to my veri bestfrwens]] Lurve not mean to be
A love not meant to be
That’s what you are to me Always thought that I would get through you Hoping that you would feel the same way too I've had a feeling that I'm always out But you never had a doubt You know that I love you still But for me, I try that I never will At first, I looked at you with hatred Coz to be with you, I feel was a dread But when I see you smile my way It would always brighten up my day Laying my love on the line for you Proving that its really true Just wanna let you know I’m honest That’s why, when you’re near, I seem to be modest When you talk to me at times I feel I can always make those rhymes In some sorts, we seem to have competition Although, you know, you are my inspiration You have those cute lil eyes That I don’t see in other guys And, oh! I love your voice In others, I see no choice When we sing a song I’ve always wished for that day to be long I liked you but I don’t know the reason I guess this is only for this season Because as time goes by That I’ve always wanted to try To talk to you and always be where you are All of a sudden, you were oh so far With that, I felt so strange That’s why I was thinking, it was time to rearrange I settled down and made my shyness abort Because without you, I really feel hurt I did everything to work it out For I want to show you're all I care about When you ignored me, I went through tears “Forget him,” advice of my peers The feelings that I have for you is forbidden And I know I never be forgiven Because I have someone who loves me so true Also, you have another, and I feel, oh, so blue I know you would never be mine I’d forget you, in few years time So, every moment we’ve shared, I will endure forever And I hope, someday, we could fit together I knew it right from the start That you would leave a scar in my heart But in my memories and forever, I will see you through And I would always remember the time when I came across in knowing YOU… .::professor::. [[Eu]]* make mi fall in lurve with [[eu]]* :// [[if i don noe [[eu]]* i will not hurt by [[eu]]*]] [[HahaSs,i So HappIe]]
I sO hAppIe tOdAe b'cAuSe gErlYn bUy lotSa oF thInGs fEr mI, i lUrvE eu gErLyn...hahaSs
eRmm..tOdAe aFtEr sKOol wE weNt tO 755 tHeRe tHe seVeN eLevEn...Ya..Den wEnT tO nOrTh pOInt wALk waLk[[shoppin]]* ya..HaHass.. Oso nOwdAyS iN sKOol..dOnnoE y KePt WriTing leTTer tO onE aNoThEr cAuSe in ClAss dAmN bOrIn ...bUt qUiTe fUn wRiTin leTters...Hmms, quite afew teachers oways neva come to school den got few lessons ish free lesons..HahaSs..So GooD...yup So SiT on mY plAcE kEpt wRiTin leTters tO 'Em..[crazy]aniWae i hOpE evErIdAy iSh likE tOdAe lIddaT, sO hAppIe.Yupz Tt aLL..gOt tO sToP hErE... .::professor::. *[[Frwens r oway there fer mI wheneva i need 'em by my side]] *[[wateva]]
TodAe ...??? ErMmm..
Go wOodLanDs aNd EaT dEn PlAe BBaLL[[no fun,so sian]].Yupz...AfTer tt i Go HomE Den i Did a stUpId ThInGs iSh aFtEr bAthIn i Go dOwNsTaIrs ,Go cUt hAir..[[sO uGly]]..ArgHhh,So aNgRy Leh..AhHhh..rEgReT gO n CuT hAir Leh...No FacE tO fAcE ppL lE...~so sad.. Hais..Not FeeLin wELL thEsE fEw DayS..FeeL sO sIck..And FeeL sO tIrEd oF sTudYiN , So StReSsed...ExaMs ComIn sOon..ArGhhhH..HopE eXams FasTEr cOmE Den caN fAsTEr Ends..Tt bEtA...i wiLL fEel bEtA aNd lEsS sTrEssed..hahass!!!aFtEr tt mY bIrThDae cOmIn..So HappIe...HoPe tt DaE i WiLL fEel sO hAppIe tHan Any oThEr dAe...HahAss..HopIn tt All Mt fRwEnS r ThERe tO cElEbrAte wIf Me...ya..thOse Hu reAdin Mus Rmb To bUy LoTsa oF pResEnT fEr Mi... .::professor::. [[Birthdae CoMin....]] [[ waItIn Fer prEsEnts cOmIn]] ~First Bloggie
Hahass..I make a new blOggIe...
TodAe sKoOl reOpEn le...LucKiLy tOdAe i nevEr cReaTe trOubLes feR teAcHErs..YuPz..HaHAss..aFtEr sKoOl,wE weNt tO cOunSeLLin rOom tO cHaT wIf mS tAy...[[aBoUt fridAe wAt HaD hApPen]]wAd is OVer iS ovEr..Den aFtEr tt We wEnT to plAy BbALL aT 755 fEr a WhIlE..dEn Go Hm..So sIaN lEh..sToP hERE=wIL bE cOntinUed= .::professor::. [[make a new [[B.L.O.G.G.I.E]] yupz]]*hahaSs... [[my j.o.u.r.n.e.y begin here]]=> |